Results for 'Itunu Mary Adepegba'

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  1.  29
    The World in the Model: How Economists Work and Think.Mary S. Morgan - 2012 - Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.
    During the last two centuries, the way economic science is done has changed radically: it has become a social science based on mathematical models in place of words. This book describes and analyses that change - both historically and philosophically - using a series of case studies to illuminate the nature and the implications of these changes. It is not a technical book; it is written for the intelligent person who wants to understand how economics works from the inside out. (...)
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  2. Hannah Arendt and feminist politics.Mary G. Dietz - 1991 - In Carole Pateman & Mary Lyndon Shanley (eds.), Feminist interpretations and political theory. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press in association with Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK. pp. 232--252.
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    A Serious Proposal to the Ladies.Mary Astell (ed.) - 2002 - Peterborough, CA: Broadview Press.
    Mary Astell's A Serious Proposal to the Ladies is one of the most important and neglected works advocating the establishment of women's academies. Its reception was so controversial that Astell responded with a lengthy sequel, also in this volume. The cause of great notoriety, Astell's Proposal was imitated by Defoe in his "An Academy for Women," parodied in the Tatler, satirized on the stage, plagiarized by Bishop Berkeley, and later mocked by Gilbert and Sullivan in Princess Ida.
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    Conjectures and Refutations: The Growth of Scientific Knowledge.Mary Hesse - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (61):372-374.
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    Existentialist ethics.Mary Warnock - 1967 - New York,: St. Martin's Press.
  6. Make-believe morality and fictional worlds.Mary Mothersill - 2002 - In José Luis Bermúdez & Sebastian Gardner (eds.), Art and Morality. New York: Routledge. pp. 74-94.
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    What about place? Education, identity and ecological justice.Mary Graham, Simone Thornton & Gilbert Burgh - 2022 - Educators Learning Through Communities of Philosophical Enquiry [Special Issue]. BERA Blog (21 September).
    Special issue of the BERA Blog: 'Educators learning through communities of philosophical enquiry', edited by Joanna Haynes. In this blog post, we focus on the need for converting classrooms into place-responsive communities of inquiry that are essential to developing eco-citizen identities – identities that break with socially and environmentally harmful knowledge and habits.
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    Sleights of Reason: Norm, Bisexuality, Development.Mary Beth Mader - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Demonstrates the dramatic interplay of elements that comprise the concepts of norm, bisexuality, and development.
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  9. Knowledge of God in the Fourth Gospel.Mary Redington Ely Lyman - 1924
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  10. Cicero's presentation of Epicurean ethics.Mary N. Porter Packer - 1938 - New York: [Printed by The Columbia University Press].
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    Pantheologies: gods, worlds, monsters.Mary-Jane Rubenstein - 2018 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The matter with Pantheism -- Panic -- Pan -- Panterruption -- Hyle -- Panfusion -- Cosmos -- Pancarnation -- Theos -- Pandemonium.
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  12. Chapter 19. Jane Austen.Mary Spongberg - 2023 - In Marnie Hughes-Warrington & Daniel Woolf (eds.), History from loss: a global introduction to histories written from defeat, colonization, exile and imprisonment. New York: Routledge.
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    Modern Psychology and Education: A Text-Book of Psychology for Students in Training Colleges And.Mary & Oakden Sturt - 1999 - Routledge.
    Routledge is now re-issuing this prestigious series of 204 volumes originally published between 1910 and 1965. The titles include works by key figures such asC.G. Jung, Sigmund Freud, Jean Piaget, Otto Rank, James Hillman, Erich Fromm, Karen Horney and Susan Isaacs. Each volume is available on its own, as part of a themed mini-set, or as part of a specially-priced 204-volume set. A brochure listing each title in the "International Library of Psychology" series is available upon request.
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  14. The influence of Orestes Augustus Brownson.Mary Rose Gertrude Whalen - 1936 - South Bend, Ind.,: The Chimes press.
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  15. Kant's Aesthetic.Mary A. Mccloskey - 1988 - Philosophy 63 (244):285-286.
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    Adding sense: context and interest in a grammar of multimodal meaning.Mary Kalantzis & Bill Cope (eds.) - 2020 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Mary Kalantzis was from 2006 to 2016 Dean of the College of Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Bill Cope is a Professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. They are co-authors of multiple books including Making Sense: Reference, Agency, and Structure in a Grammar of Multimodal Meaning (Cambridge, forthcoming), New Learning: Elements of a Science of Education (Cambridge, 2008, 2012), Literacies (Cambridge 2012, 2016) and e-Learning Ecologies (2017).
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    Medical peace campaign.Mary T. Day - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (2):146.
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  18. Silencing the Sophists: The Drama of Plato's Euthydemus'.Mary Margaret McCabe - 1998 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 14:139-68.
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    An idealistic pragmatism.Mary Briody Mahowald - 1972 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    When I first became acquainted with the thought of the American philoso pher Josiah Royce, two factors particularly intrigued me. The first was Royce's claim that the notion of community was his main metaphysical tenet; the second was his close association with the two American pragmatists, Charles Sanders Peirce and William James. Regarding the first factor, I was struck by the fact that a philosopher who died in 1916 should emphasize a topic of such contemporary significance not only in philosophy (...)
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    The ethical and epistemic roles of narrative in person centred healthcare.Mary Jean Walker, Wendy A. Rogers & Vikki Entwistle - 2020 - European Journal of Person Centred Healthcare 8 (3):345-354.
    Positive claims about narrative approaches to healthcare suggest they could have many benefits, including supporting person-centred healthcare (PCH). Narrative approaches have also been criticised, however, on both theoretical and practical grounds. In this paper we draw on epistemological work on narrative and knowledge to develop a conception of narrative that responds to these concerns. We make a case for understanding narratives as accounts of events in which the way each event is described as influenced by the ways other events in (...)
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    Plato and His Predecessors: The Dramatisation of Reason.Mary Margaret McCabe - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How does Plato view his philosophical antecedents? Plato and his Predecessors considers how Plato represents his philosophical predecessors in a late quartet of dialogues: the Theaetetus, the Sophist, the Politicus and the Philebus. Why is it that the sophist Protagoras, or the monist Parmenides, or the advocate of flux, Heraclitus, are so important in these dialogues? And why are they represented as such shadowy figures, barely present at their own refutations? The explanation, the author argues, is a complex one involving (...)
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  22. Creation and Discovery in Mathematics.Mary Leng - 2011 - In John Polkinghorne (ed.), Meaning in mathematics. New York: Oxford University Press.
  23. Arendt and the Holocaust.Mary G. Dietz - 2000 - In Dana Richard Villa (ed.), The Cambridge companion to Hannah Arendt. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 86--109.
  24. Verse: Before.Mary Sinton Leitch - 1926 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 7 (4):272.
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  25. Verse: Nothingness.Mary Sinton Leitch - 1943 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):39.
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    Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism.Mary Mills Patrick & Sextus - 2020 - D. Bell.
    THE following treatise on Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism has been prepared to supply a need much felt in the English language by students of Greek philosophy. For while other schools of Greek philosophy have been exhaustively and critically discussed by English scholars, there are few sources of information available to the student who wishes to make himself familiar with the teachings of Pyrrhonism. The aim has been, accordingly, to give a concise presentation of Pyrrhonism in relation to its historical (...)
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  27. What does Bachelard mean by rationalisme applique?Mary Tiles - 2012 - Radical Philosophy 173:24.
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    Michael Polanyi and His Generation: Origins of the Social Construction of Science.Mary Jo Nye - 2011 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    In _Michael Polanyi and His Generation_, Mary Jo Nye investigates the role that Michael Polanyi and several of his contemporaries played in the emergence of the social turn in the philosophy of science. This turn involved seeing science as a socially based enterprise that does not rely on empiricism and reason alone but on social communities, behavioral norms, and personal commitments. Nye argues that the roots of the social turn are to be found in the scientific culture and political (...)
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  29. 1 and 2 Samuel.Mary J. Evans - 2000
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  30. Beauty restored.Mary Mothersill - 1984 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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    Thoughts on the Education of Daughters: With Reflections on Female Conduct, in the More Important Duties of Life.Mary Wollstonecraft - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Paving the way for modern feminist thinking, Mary Wollstonecraft dared to challenge traditional eighteenth-century attitudes towards women. First published in 1787, this book discusses how girls can best be educated to become valuable wives and mothers. It argues that women can offer the most effective contribution to society if they are brought up to display sound morals, character and intellect, rather than superficial social graces. Wollstonecraft later developed her ideas in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, in which (...)
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    Descartes' mathematics.Mary Domski - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  33. Running out of time.Mary Crowley - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (4):1-1.
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    The theory of knowledge of Saint Bonaventure..Mary Rachael Dady - 1939 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic university of America press.
  35. Pursuing the highest ambitions.Mary Daly - 2009 - In Graham Oppy & Nick Trakakis (eds.), Medieval Philosophy of Religion: The History of Western Philosophy of Religion, Volume 2. Routledge. pp. 5--245.
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    Books on landscape and nature aesthetics: a selected bibliography.Mary A. Vance - 1979 - Monticello, Ill.: Vance Bibliographies.
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  37. Preface.Mary Bruce Cobb - 2010 - In Waiting and being. Louisville, KY: Fons Vitae.
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  38. Reassurance: Verse.Mary Sinton Leitch - 1940 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 21 (2):158.
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    Being scientific about our selves.Mary Midgley - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (4):85-98.
    We cannot really understand other people unless we make some serious effort to understand ourselves as well. This is well known in ordinary life, but it sets a problem for any psychology which aims to be ‘scientific’ by the narrow standards which define that term today. Those standards have sharply narrowed the notion of ‘science’ to exclude reference to anything subjective. By contrast, the older, wider concept of it simply required disciplined, methodical thought, which could of course be shown in (...)
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  40. Classifications in contexts.Mary Midgley - 2011 - Zygon 46 (1).
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    Editorial introduction.Mary Midgley - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):8-16.
  42. Experimental Psychology.Mary Collins & James Drever - 1926 - Humana Mente 1 (3):394-394.
  43. Thought styles: critical essays on good taste.Mary Douglas - 1996 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    We know we have thoughts, but are we aware that we have styles of thought? This book, written by one of the most gifted and celebrated social thinkers of our time, is a contribution to understanding the rules of the different styles of thinking. Author Mary Douglas takes us through a range of thought styles from the vulgar to the refined. Throughout this fascinating journey, Thought Styles shows us how the different styles work and how outsiders can learn the (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Philosophy Through Film.Mary M. Litch - 2002 - London: Routledge. Edited by Amy Karofsky.
    Some of the world’s best-loved films can be used as springboards for examining enduring philosophical questions. _Philosophy Through Film_ provides guidance in how to watch films with an eye for their philosophical content, helping students become familiar with key topics in all of the major areas in Western philosophy, and helping them master the techniques of philosophical argumentation. The perfect size and scope for a first course in philosophy, _Philosophy Through Film_ assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy. It is an (...)
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    Utopias, Dolphins and Computers: Problems in Philosophical Plumbing.Mary Midgley - 1996 - New York: Routledge.
    Why do the big philosophical questions so often strike us as far-fetched and little to with everyday life? Mary Midgley shows that it need not be that way; she shows that there is a need for philosophy in the real world. Her popularity as one of our foremost philosophers is based on a no-nonsense, down-to-earth approach to fundamental human problems, philosphical or otherwise. In _Utopias, Dolphins and Computers_ she makes her case for philosophy as a difficult but necessary tool (...)
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    The Message of Psychic Science to the World.Mary Everest Boole - 2019 - Wentworth Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  47. Reconciling aesthetics and justice in organization studies.Mary-Ellen Boyle - 2003 - In Adrian Carr & Philip Hancock (eds.), Art and aesthetics at work. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 51.
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    Professionalism and leadership in early childhood education and care.Mary A. Dyer - 2022 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Samantha McMahon.
    Professionalism and Leadership in Early Childhood Education and Care explores the tension between what early years practitioners are expected to achieve, and the level of expertise and understanding required to underpin this. It examines the impact of recent policies on the agency of individual practitioners, and the culture and ethos of their settings, and questions the driving factors behind reforms to curriculum and practice and where this locates practitioners and their provision. Bringing together the latest research and ideas on professionalism (...)
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  49. Integration of psychological mindedness and related concepts.Mary McCallum & William E. Piper - 1997 - In M. McCallum & W. Piper (eds.), Psychological Mindedness: A Contemporary Understanding. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 237--258.
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    Snakes and ladders: Ethical issues in conducting educational research in a postcolonial context.Mary McKeever - 2000 - In Helen Simons & Robin Usher (eds.), Situated ethics in educational research. New York: Routledge. pp. 101--115.
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